Yes this post is a little different than my normal tech postings. But one of my best friends is starting up a new business, and I wanted to help promote it. They are a small family owned company located here in the Dallas TX area, specializing in custom liners for drawers and cabinets. If…
Author: Matt Adam
Install AWX on Ubuntu 24
AWX is an open-source alternative to Red Hat Tower (Ansible Automation Platform). I’ve used both pretty extensively in the past, and since AWX is essentially free, I’ll be covering that product in the next few blogs. AWX is very useful for automating application creation for load balancers. There are a few components that will be…
Avi – Using Ansible to deploy set of standard configuration
I’ve heard from many customers that they would like to deploy a set of standard configuration to all of their Avi controllers. A good example of this would be to deploy a particular health monitor to all of your data centers, and to make sure that health monitor’s configuration always stays the same across the…
Avi – Using Ansible to deploy an application
In this blog I’ll walk through what is required to deploy an application in Avi, using ansible. Ansible is pretty flexible, and a great tool to start automating your network stack. There are a number of ways to use ansible to create an application in Avi: Software Versions used in this demo Software Version Bootstrap…
VMware Cloud Foundation (VCF) in your Home Lab
Updated with VCF 5.2 here I have struggled to find an end to end comprehensive guide on deploying VCF for home lab use. Generally I prefer blogs for this sort of thing, because a blog will tell me exactly how to get the application up and running, but not necessarily explain all the bells and…
VMware Cloud Foundation (VCF) Deployment Timetable
Please see the VCF Deployment Blog first!!! This page is just to show the VCF deployment timetable. You can see each of the tasks and how long they took to execute in my environment. Compare this to your environment and look for anomalies if things are hanging. And feel free to leave me a comment…
Deploy nested ESXi VMs using a Kickstart (KS) script and Ansible Automation
I recently wrote a blog post where I spent some time trying to build out nested environments by cloning an esxi template directly in vSphere. This didn’t quite work out as expected for a number of reasons: mac address persisted to the clone, storage uuid persisted, and the overall system uuid seem to persist into…
Clone a Nested ESXi VM for Nested vSphere Lab Environments
Update. Don’t clone an esxi VM to create a nested environment. There is a better way! Use a kickstart script and install it directly from the ISO.When I originally started this blog post, I thought the best/only way to create a bunch of esxi vms for nesting, was to do it via cloning. I had…
Avi – Secure your application with the Avi Web Application Firewall (WAF)
Adding a WAF to your application can help protect against numerous threats including injections, cross-site scripting, ddos, etc. With Avi, the process to add the WAF protection is quite simple, and in this first blog post about the WAF, we’ll just demonstrate configuring the WAF on a virtual service.To learn more about what a WAF…
Avi – API Parameters and Filters
Avi’s platform is built on APIs. You can take a look at the official API guide here. It’s a pretty comprehensive list of all the APIs and the methods available, as well as some examples on how to use the API including authentication. Additionally, swagger is built into all the Avi controllers, so you can…